List of Chemical Suppliers in Germany

Paul Marienfeld GmbH & Co. KG

Since 1922: Our experience is your success.

Our comprehensive range of quality laboratory glassware like microscope slides, cover glass, counting chambers, capillary tubes, laboratory containers and volumetric glassware has made our name and our brand renowned internationally. Many products made of plastics and porcelain for the general laboratory work complement our range of laboratory glassware.

Our quality management is certified by DEKRA Certification Services acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. A quality control which accompanies the entire production process and stringent final checks ensure that our customers only receive items of the highest quality.

The brand Marienfeld Superior has become a synonym for quality and reliability. Our experience of more than 90 years in developing and producing laboratory glassware will be your success, too.

Richard Wolf GmbH

Richard Wolf GmbH offers a wide range of products and systems for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment.

Q-Bioanalytic GmbH

Das "Q" im Namen des Unternehmens steht einerseits für die Qualität unserer Dienstleistungen, wie auch für die Qualität der Produkte unserer Kunden, für die wir unsere Leistungen erbringen.

Die Philosophie des Unternehmens war von Beginn an, für die Kunden einen optimalen Arbeitsablauf zu gestalten, so dass Ergebnisse so früh wie möglich vorliegen. Das "Q" steht daher auch für "quick". Mit unseren Arbeitabläufen und Methoden können sehr schnell Ergebnisse erzielt werden, was in einem immer schneller werdenden Lebensmittelmarkt besonders hilfreich ist. Schließlich ist es durch unser modernes Labor möglich im Stundentakt gleichzeitig 768 Real-Time PCR Reaktionen durchzuführen, so dass das "Q" auch für "Quantity" steht.

Bremerhaven ist das größte Zentrum der deutschen Fischindustrie. Im Umfeld existieren eine Vielzahl Forschungseinrichtungen, die Koorperationspartner von uns sind. In dieser innovativen Stadt an der Küste pflegen wir innerhalb von Forschungsprojekten auch vielfältige Kontakte zu nationalen und internationalen renommierten Forschungseinrichtungen, wie dem Robert-Koch Institut, dem Bundesistitut für Risikobewertung, dem Friedrich-Löffler Institut, dem Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdamm, der University of Central Lancashire in Preston und vielen anderen.

PCA Polymerchemie Altmeier GmbH

We are specialized in the production of electrodialysis desalination plants and ion exchange membranes for electrodialysis

INOSIM Software GmbH

INOSIM Software: Sophisticated simulation solutions right from the start For more than eight years, INOSIM Software has been a synonym for high-end performance in the simulation solutions market. During that period, we have set technological standards first of all in process industries: According to our customers, there is no other simulation tool offering the flexibility and openness provided by our scalable standard software INOSIM Batch.

INOSIM Consulting: Stepping towards a more sustainable future In the beginning of 2010, INOSIM Consulting was founded as a result of our year-long cooperation with Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (Federal German Environmental Fund) and Technische Universität Dortmund (Dortmund technological university). Our new company is meant to transfer our chemical engineering proven software solutions into related, though more complex tasks in bioengineering. Our object model´s extension to biochemical processing (including fermentation, metabolism, deterioration, and more) was achieved by close cooperation with leading scientists of TU Dortmund: Their research results were transferred directly into our software engineering. Today, as the first company on the market, we are able to provide products even for the simulation of environment-friendly industrial production.

INOSIM Professional: A new level in simulation technology Together with the scientific extension of our software, we propel its re-emergence as platform-independent application INOSIM Professional. A state-of-the-art product on the simulation applications market, this solution is designed to open up new options not only in bioprocess industries. Its highly extended openness and wide flexibility are offering benefits to other batch processing branches just as well.

Clausthaler Umwelttechnik-Institut GmbH (CUTEC)

CUTEC is an independent research institution owned by the Federal State of Lower Saxony in Germany. We operate at the interface between academic science and industrial product development in the field of environmental and energy technologies. Our main areas of interest nationally and internationally are, the development of practical and hands-on technologies and processes and their implementation coupled with practical training. Our focus is on application-oriented research with the core competences in recycling and solid waste management, energy and supply management as well as mobility management. Additionally the cluster sustainability management was established to review the technical developments/results in terms of economy und ecology. In current projects we work on topics like metal recycling, fuels from biomass, use of renewable energies, reformer systems for fuel cells, pollution control, sludge reduction and waste water treatment.

d.s.f. Dietrich Schentke GmbH

For over 30 years our company is engaged with the industrial area for flame ignition and flame monitoring.