List of Chemical Suppliers in Germany

August Müller GmbH & Co. KG

If you’ve got big plans, you’ve got to take care of the litt­le things. Even the big­gest plant and ma­chine­ry can only per­form its im­pres­si­ve tasks if every sin­gle con­nec­tion is ca­re­ful­ly and pre­cise­ly plan­ned, every screw in the right place. We at Au­gust Mül­ler GmbH & Co. KG know this. After all, we have lots of ex­pe­ri­ence. Over 100 years of it, na­tio­nal­ly and in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly.

The ma­chi­nes that we de­ve­lop all pass the best test there is – the prac­tical test. Be­cau­se we work clo­se­ly with our cust­o­m­ers and can also offer them in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons, we know ex­act­ly what first-class plant and ma­chine­ry has to look like, not just in the plans, but also – and es­pe­cial­ly – on-site.

Howe­ver, we do much more than offer plant, ma­chine­ry and com­ple­te so­lu­ti­ons for the stone and earth in­dus­try, and ma­chine­ry for the mi­ning in­dus­try, salt mines and gyp­sum plants. We sup­port our cust­o­m­ers for the ent­i­re life cycle of the pro­ducts they purcha­se from us, star­ting with the in­iti­al ad­vice, plan­ning and pro­ject exe­cu­ti­on through to pro­vi­ding af­ter-sa­les ser­vice from a com­pe­tent team of re­pair, as­sem­bly and field ex­perts. Of cour­se, we also make sure that de­li­ve­ries of spare parts and con­ver­si­ons are car­ri­ed out quick­ly and un­bu­reau­cra­ti­cal­ly – which we are able to do by ke­eping our stock le­vels per­man­ent­ly high.

Our cust­o­m­ers be­ne­fit from our ex­pe­ri­ence and vice versa; after all, their feed­back goes into our in­no­va­tions. We never rest on our lau­rels, but ins­tead fol­low and in­te­gra­te tech­ni­cal and tech­no­lo­gi­cal in­no­va­tions whe­re­ver it makes sense to do so. And so we have tur­ned Au­gust Mül­ler GmbH & Co. KG into a com­pa­ny that is ac­tive all over Eu­ro­pe, with re­fe­rence pro­jects in coun­tries in­clu­ding Fran­ce, Spain, Swit­z­er­land and Po­land.

Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG

Over the course of six decades, TESAT has developed in-depth expertise in manufacturing of payload equipment for communication satellites and has established itself as a clear European market leader. On its 60,000m² premises in Backnang, Germany, about 1,000 employees develop, assemble, integrate, and test systems and equipment for telecommunication via satellite. To date, more than 700 space projects have been completed.

Our product offerings encompass highly reliable equipment as for example the travelling wave tube amplifiers, multiplexers, waveguide switches, and modulators, which along with complete systems are delivered globally to all leading satellite manufacturers. Therefore, we offer the complete communication technology necessary, to for example emit television signals over the antenna of a satellite to each household. More than half of all communication satellites in orbit have Tesat equipment on board.

We are convinced that in future global communication will only be viable with the incorporation of space. Therefore, as the first organization in the world, we are developing and delivering equipment for optical broadband communication in space. Using laser, these terminals can transmit data and images between satellites and from satellites to earth. Advantages of laser communication are, for example, the high transfer rate of 5.5 Gbit per second (equivalent to 200,000 pages of information per second) and its stability.

Given our competitive position in the commercial satellite market and the quality standards required of us there, our products are now used more frequently in the various satellite-based systems of the security and defense sectors in Germany, Europe, and the United States.

In addition to our technical expertise, we cultivate our standing in Backnang through social engagement and by supporting public projects.


ASCONA is the market and technology leader for complete solutions in optical profile measuring technology

cetotec biotechnologie GmbH

Cetotec is a globally acting engineering company - specialized in engineering for the vinegar and yeast industry. Founded in 1996 cetotec has established itself as a supplier to the fermentation industry with a wide spectrum of products. We supply advanced and customized plants from lab scale to industrial scale, equipment, alcohol sensors and reliable and safe process control for several applications.

Infiltec GmbH

Die Infiltec GmbH plant, entwickelt und fertigt innovative Filtergehäuse, Filterelemente und Gasgeneratoren


Lachenmeier offer a complete range of pallet packaging machinery. Lachenmeier have been on the market since 1969, and are solely involved in end-of-line packaging. We supply pallet shrink and stretch hood wrapping machines.

Frank Gutjahr Chromatographie

The company Frank Gutjahr chromatography was established in October 1997 in Balingen and deals primarily with the development and manufacture of buffer and reagent for amino acid analysis, currently primarily in "classical" amino acid analyzers (principle by Spackman, Stein and Moore find) use, as well as the manufacture and Refill of columns for liquid chromatography. we also offer services such as repair services and the supply of spare parts and general consumables for liquid chromatography systems. In our laboratory, we also offer in addition to the development of methods and the implementation of job analysis in the field of amino acid analysis on.

Costenoble GmbH & Co.KG

Costenoble has been an internationally renowned manufacturer and a reputable trading house of chemical raw materials, additives and specialty chemicals for over half a century.