List of Chemical Suppliers in Mexico

Asesoría y Proveedora de Equipos para Laboratorio, S.A. de C.V. (Aspelab)

Our mission is to offer integral solutions and services to all those sectors that by their nature require laboratory equipment. To achieve this we specialize in the importation and sale of the highest technology equipment and in providing advice, training and technical service of the best level to our customers.

Química Vita, S.A. de C.V.

Quimica Vita is a mexican company founded on 1985 in Querétaro city. Since then we make and sale chemical products mainly focused on agro-business but with a strong sense of seeing the whole food supply chain. We deliver high quality products at affordable prices with a high degree of research and development. We cover all Mexican territory through our sales force and many authorized dealers.

Electricidad y Química, S.A. de C.V.

ELECTRICIDAD Y QUÍMICA, S.A. DE C.V is a company with 100% mexican capital, having a long experience suplying the national market with ferroalloys and chemical products.

It was legally incorporated in 1958, comercializing molybdenum and tungsten minerals.

Since 1962 EyQ manufacture sodium molybdate, ammonium molybdate, and sodium tungstate.

Back in 1965 EyQ started manufacturing ferromolybdenum ang ferrotungsten, increasing from 1968 the production of ferroalloys, like ferrovanadium, ferrotitanium and ferrocolumbium as lumps or dust.

In the last year, EyQ manufactures cobalt sulphate and analytical grade molybdenum salts. And from a decade ago markets tungsten electrodes.