Fire Technology


2.3 (2023)
Springer Netherlands
Major category Minor category TOP journal Review journal




CiteScore SJR SNIP CiteScore ranking
6.6 0.629 1.499
Subject Area Rank Percentile
EngineeringSafety, Risk, Reliability and Quality 36 / 207 82%
Science Citation Index Expanded
Submission to first decision (median): 54 days
Fire Technology publishes original contributions, both theoretical and empirical, that contribute to the solution of problems in fire safety science and engineering. It is the leading journal in the field, publishing applied research dealing with the full range of actual and potential fire hazards facing humans and the environment. It covers the entire domain of fire safety science and engineering problems relevant in industrial, operational, cultural, and environmental applications, including modeling, testing, detection, suppression, human behavior, wildfires, structures, and risk analysis.

The aim of Fire Technology is to push forward the frontiers of knowledge and technology by encouraging interdisciplinary communication of significant technical developments in fire protection and subjects of scientific interest to the fire protection community at large.

It is published in conjunction with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). The mission of NFPA is to help save lives and reduce loss with information, knowledge, and passion. The mission of SFPE is advancing the science and practice of fire protection engineering internationally.

Material submitted for publication in Fire Technology is subject to a peer-review process. Decisions on manuscripts will be based on validity, usefulness, and presentation. An eminent international editorial board ensures and attracts high-quality articles. The main attributes sought in accepted contributions are originality, novelty, rigour, timeliness, and clarity. Review articles are welcome, and issues of Fire Technology may also feature brief technical communications, book reviews, and letters to the editor.

Annually, two awards are presented to the best papers appearing in Fire Technology. The Harry C. Bigglestone Award for excellence in communication of fire protection concepts is given by the Fire Protection Research Foundation to the best overall paper, and the Jack Bono Award for engineering communications is given by The Society of Fire Protection Engineers’ Educational and Scientific Foundation to the paper that has most contributed to the advancement of professional fire protection engineering. The Jack Watts Award for Outstanding Reviews of Fire Technology celebrates high quality and helpful reviewers, an essential component of our journal, and is presented annually to those whose reviews were most valuable in terms of the quality, in-depth, number and timelieness.

With thousands of subscribers worldwide, Fire Technology is a unique agent for the dissemination of scholarly work in fire safety science.
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