Functional & Integrative Genomics


3.9 (2023)
Springer Nature
Major category Minor category TOP journal Review journal




CiteScore SJR SNIP CiteScore ranking
3.5 0.584 0.788
Subject Area Rank Percentile
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular BiologyGenetics 235 / 347 32%
Science Citation Index Expanded
Submission to first decision (median): 5 days
Functional & Integrative Genomics is devoted to publishing timely high-impact original research and comprehensive reviews (both systematic and mini reviews) in all aspects of genomics and its biotechnological application. We aim to provide an integrated platform where researchers can share, review, and discuss their findings on important biological questions that will ultimately enable us to answer the fundamental questions: what and how do genomes work and how use this knowledge to biotechnological application? We welcome exciting research beyond genome sequencing and coding sequences to include DNA dark matters namely, microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs.
We publish all review, research, and opinion papers as well as database, methods and tools associating with genome research and its biotechnological application. Topics range from a single gene functional study (transgenics and genome editing) to multiple genome comparison among different genotypes in a same species and cross different species (pangenomics and metagenomics) as well as multiple omics studies (including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and phenomics) and from structure/functional genomics to applied genomics in which genomics has been widely used to different purposes on agriculture, environment, industry, and biomedicine.
Functional & Integrative Genomics will not only publish the long original research papers and review papers, but we will also publish short communications that will quickly report your significantly advanced discovery without a full story. We understand computational tools and resources and advanced experimental tools, such as CRISPR/Cas, play more and more important role in scientific discovery; Functional & Integrative Genomics welcomes computational and experimental tools and methods/protocols, new and revised database, and data notes for public usage. To enhance the scientific idea exchange, we will also consider several short articles, including opinion and perspective papers as well as research spotlights, particularly on hot topics with huge potentials for both fundamental research and biotechnological applications. Functional & Integrative Genomics publishes categories of papers:

Reviews: including both comprehensive review and minor reviews.
Brief Reports
Correspondence: includes Letters to the editor, research spotlights, opinion, and perspective papers.
Emphasis will be placed on manuscripts addressing important biological problems using synthetic and system biology as well as novel approaches. Studies on any organisms, including plant, animal, and microbe genomes are welcome. We are also especially welcome papers from the field of biomedical genomics and the biotechnological application of genome on all fields, including agriculture, environment, biomedicine, and industry. Describing new genomics tools, methods/protocols, and databases as well as scientific data will also be considered for publication.
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