August Müller GmbH & Co. KG

If you’ve got big plans, you’ve got to take care of the litt­le things. Even the big­gest plant and ma­chine­ry can only per­form its im­pres­si­ve tasks if every sin­gle con­nec­tion is ca­re­ful­ly and pre­cise­ly plan­ned, every screw in the right place. We at Au­gust Mül­ler GmbH & Co. KG know this. After all, we have lots of ex­pe­ri­ence. Over 100 years of it, na­tio­nal­ly and in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly.

The ma­chi­nes that we de­ve­lop all pass the best test there is – the prac­tical test. Be­cau­se we work clo­se­ly with our cust­o­m­ers and can also offer them in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons, we know ex­act­ly what first-class plant and ma­chine­ry has to look like, not just in the plans, but also – and es­pe­cial­ly – on-site.

Howe­ver, we do much more than offer plant, ma­chine­ry and com­ple­te so­lu­ti­ons for the stone and earth in­dus­try, and ma­chine­ry for the mi­ning in­dus­try, salt mines and gyp­sum plants. We sup­port our cust­o­m­ers for the ent­i­re life cycle of the pro­ducts they purcha­se from us, star­ting with the in­iti­al ad­vice, plan­ning and pro­ject exe­cu­ti­on through to pro­vi­ding af­ter-sa­les ser­vice from a com­pe­tent team of re­pair, as­sem­bly and field ex­perts. Of cour­se, we also make sure that de­li­ve­ries of spare parts and con­ver­si­ons are car­ri­ed out quick­ly and un­bu­reau­cra­ti­cal­ly – which we are able to do by ke­eping our stock le­vels per­man­ent­ly high.

Our cust­o­m­ers be­ne­fit from our ex­pe­ri­ence and vice versa; after all, their feed­back goes into our in­no­va­tions. We never rest on our lau­rels, but ins­tead fol­low and in­te­gra­te tech­ni­cal and tech­no­lo­gi­cal in­no­va­tions whe­re­ver it makes sense to do so. And so we have tur­ned Au­gust Mül­ler GmbH & Co. KG into a com­pa­ny that is ac­tive all over Eu­ro­pe, with re­fe­rence pro­jects in coun­tries in­clu­ding Fran­ce, Spain, Swit­z­er­land and Po­land.

Hochmaurenstraße 9 78628 Rottweil Germany
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Main Products

mechanical engineering

Information about August Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Focus : Manufacturer
Industry : Production technology
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